The major cybersecurity challenges against a backdrop of increasing technological attacks Cipher, Prosegur's cybersecurity firm, is increasing its operational base and its response arsenal to offer potential customers protection designed in the same way as a tailored suit. Security 2023/06/09
How Administrative Error Shrink Occurs and How to Prevent It Not all retail loss comes from theft. Security 2023/04/14
What To Do in a Cyber-Attack? Business Alertness and Best Practices Are the Best Response Discover essential steps and best practices for businesses to respond effectively to a cyber-attack in this Prosegur blog. Stay alert and prepared. Security 2023/02/24
Demand for Security Services in the Metaverse is on the Up Learn how NFTs are being used to detect counterfeits by tracking and securing the authenticity of assets in industries like fashion. Security 2023/02/20